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Several Terror Alerts Happen in Several Places!

There had been recorded at least five place where terror last strike:

  • Pakistan

  • Germany

  • France

  • Israel

  • Canada

Pakistan attack in Lahore had killed thirteen at least and wounded sixty others on 2017 Valentine Day's on 00:41 reported. A bomb blasted a police escort protests.In Hamburg Airport, a chemical aerosol attack made fifty people evacuated. It lead to air traffic shut-down for an hour and delays. It was a day before the last attack.

France were also shocked by a machetes attack in Louvre that were shot by a soldier on the third of second month this year. That Paris attack were not yet known of the true links.

Hevron also were attacked by a female terrorist using a knife. It was on twelve February after another were in Petah Tikva that were in ninth of February that made four people wounded.

In Canada, Quebec City, six people were killed and eight other wounded after a shooting on a mosque at Sunday Night around thirty of January this year.

Attack in Louvre covered by Fox News:

No direct silver lining was sought, yet there are still wanted and dangerous terrorist on the run according to FBI-USA. There are a few that might have a little tact's to the noise:

  1. Jaber A. Elbaneh

  2. Adnan G. Elshukrijumah

  3. Ramadan Abdullah Mohammad Shallah

  4. Abdelkarem Hussein Muhammad Al-Nasser

These people are quite dangerous and considered armed. They are linked to Al-Qaeda and alleged of conspiracy. Some of them were graduated from known University and had strong academic background. The pictorial are as follows:

These people are very dangerous and organized. Not known yet the clear links on the attacks but intuitive noting that perhaps there maybe any since they are on the run.

All the sympathy for victims for the losses that cannot be replaced. All these war against terror and corrupt need to be waged until everyone are save and live in safety instead of horrific hell on earth. All deepest condolences indeed.

In conclusion, terror had escalated into certain conditions and preventions are needed ethically and greatly because no life can be ever replaced by anything and no bullet can ever be undone after shot.

"There are no victors in war; there upon in war appears imageries as tyrant, oppressor, rebel, peace-meaker and causalties: all in all they are all fighters whom fightings with or wuthout violence, essentially all war are never justs."

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